Bringing Bed-Ins Back

In this time of COVID, we are essentially living John Lennon’s legacy of the bed-in.


Though we’re also living with a lot of fear and anxiety.


In 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono staged a Bed-In for peace in Amsterdam during their honeymoon in March and also in Montreal in May. They invited the press to ask them questions and explained their peaceful protest against the Vietnam war.


This part of COVID where a lot of us are quarantined again can be used as a personal bed-in.


What do you want to reflect on, what do you want to enjoy, bring to attention anything you are passionate about, what charities do you love, what hobbies did you once have that have fallen by the wayside before COVID, what do you want to bring awareness to?


Of course, you won’t have press, but nowadays everyone has access to a global community at their fingertips. If you’re spending a lot of time on social media, you may as well raise awareness of a cause that’s important to you. It could be peace or something else.


Bed-ins are a personal protest to rest in a culture that stays busy constantly. Busy with work, working out, events, friends and family obligation consuming all the news and media and staying up to date with new Netflix shows, new social media apps, etc.


Why not take a break from all that?


To me a bed-in sounds like the way to spend the winter. Quarantined inside.

Drink tea, read books, pick up old hobbies, rest, use social media to raise awareness of a cause that’s important to you rather than picking fights or spreading negativity.

Melissa Brumm